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These Photos Prove "Beauty Isn't Determined by Ability."

Early one morning in 1984, Wendy Crawford was driving to the airport when a drunk driver hit her car, leaving her a quadriplegic at age 19. She had been about to catch a flight to Tokyo for her first international modeling gig, and after the accident—and years of rehabilitation—she still dreamed of continuing her career. But no clients wanted to book her. 


When she was 19, Wendy Crawford’s life as a model changed forever, after a car accident left her a quadriplegic. Thirty years later, she’s not only posing in front of the camera, but empowering other women with disabilities to discover their own Raw Beauty.


Wendy Crawford hadn't been in front of fashion photographer Walter Chin's camera for thirty years. When she first worked with him, she was an aspiring model. "I was this dumb girl, nervous," she told "I never really did have the confidence that I should have had." Then she got into a car accident at 19 that changed everything: It made her a quadriplegic and put an end to her fashion career.


Wendy Crawford — a woman who has spent the past three decades of her life advocating for a new way of thinking in media — watched one of her dreams come true on Sept. 20. The Raw Beauty Project NYC, a fundraiser launching the partnership of her organization mobileWOMEN and the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, debuted on the walls of Manhattan’s ACA Galleries and showcased portraits and biographies of 20 women living and thriving with disabilities. Through their partnership, the two organizations hope to help women with disabilities with their access, education and outreach needs, which are often times underserved.


“There is not a more beautiful room in New York City tonight!” said Peter Wilderotter, president of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, to a cheering crowd of over 200 people standing or settled in their wheelchairs at Chelsea’s ACA Galleries on Saturday night, September 20.


Some were born with their disabilities, others were the victims of freak accidents, but all the women who star in the Raw Beauty Project of NYC campaign share a common goal.

'We truly hope that we can challenge the unrealistic standard of beauty that exists today and demonstrate that there is beauty in confidence, strength and uniqueness,' Wendy Crawford, co-chairwoman of the campaign, tells MailOnline.


When you hear the word "beauty," visions of Gisele Bündchen, Cara Delevingne, and Kate Moss often come to mind. But what happens when you don't fit the stereotype? When model Wendy Crawford was rendered a quadriplegic by way of a drunk driver at the age of 19, her life transformed overnight — not only did she lose all of her bookings and much of her freedom, but also people started to look at her in a dramatically different way.


Wendy Crawford was just 19-years-old and an aspiring model when a drunk driver crashed into her and caused her to become a quadriplegic. For many, such a devastating incident would cause them to become negative about their situation, but after adjusting to her new circumstances, she drove herself to positivity by creating the Raw Beauty Project of NYC.


Se puede decir que tuve una infancia normal y, en muchos aspectos, pri- vilegiada. Mis padres nos procura- ronamíyamihermanounavida maravillosa en Nueva York, la cual transcurría entre hermosas propiedades, viajes a Europa y clases de baile y música. Durante la última etapa de mis años 20, conocí a un salvaje artista visual italiano llamado Raoul Calabro.


When they hear the word "model," a lot of people picture a particular kind of woman, namely that tall, leggy, young thing that's plastered all over billboards and magazines. That's the standard of beauty we've been conditioned to expect. It's also exactly what the creators of Raw Beauty NYC are attempting to break down.


In the photograph below, Emily Sciarretta is singing on the Brooklyn Bridge. Next to her sits her service dog, Carmel. Beneath her is a motorized wheelchair. Behind her is the Freedom Tower. In front of her is photographer Sandra Arenas.


Ziel der Ausstellung "The Raw Beauty Project": Frauen mit körperlichen Behinderungen lassen sich professionell fotografieren - um Vorurteile abzubauen und Schönheit neu zu definieren.


Hanno perso un braccio o una gamba, in alcuni casi entrambi. Sono paraplegiche dalla nascita o costrette su una sedia a rotelle per colpa di un incidente. Soffrono di patologie rare e complesse, come la mielite trasversa o la sindrome di Larsen. 


Proving once again that photographers really are a caring and inspiring niche of humans, a group of NYC photographers have partnered up with 20 disabled women to work on a really c photography project. The Raw Beauty Project aims to empower the women and break down many of the public’s stereotypes through.


Die Fotos von  The Raw Beauty Project NYC zeigen Frauen, die mit den unterschiedlichsten Herausforderungen zu kämpfen haben. Sie leiden an einer genetisch bedingten Fehlfunktion, haben eine seltene Krankheit, haben die Fähigkeit zu laufen nach einem Unfall verloren oder mussten sich eines ihrer Beine aus gesundheitlichen Gründen amputieren lassen


The Raw Beauty Project er et innovativt billedkunstprojekt i USA, der udfordrer definitionen af skønhed i en fotografisk udstilling med 20 portrætter af kvinder, der alle har det til fælles at have et fysisk handicap. Udstillingen er kommet til  verden gennem et samarbejde mellem fotografer og kvinder, der lever med et fysisk handicap.

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